Latest Past Events

Series II: Care Management: Evidence based Management of Behaviors

This course is designed to review the care management strategies of patients living with dementia from a nursing perspective. We will review behavioral management and communication strategies as well as environmental factors that may contribute to behavioral challenges. Pharmacological approaches will also be discussed.

Dementia Care Path for Healthcare Practitioners Series I: ADRD Research

This course is designed to keep practitioners abreast of advances in the field of ADRD research. This course describes the current research initiatives taking place in field of neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Alzheimer disease. We will cover the importance of clinical trials, available clinical trials and the benefits of participation in clinical trials as it relates to finding therapeutic treatment modalities for the advancement of science in ADRD.

Dementia Care Path Series for Healthcare Practitioners Series I: Caregiver Support and Education

This course is designed to help practitioners understand the role of the family or community caregiver. Caregiver stress and burnout impact not only the patient’s health and well-being, but also the health and well-being of the caregiver. Learn common coping strategies to guide caregivers through the caregiving journey as well as provide them strategies for grief management.