Neuropsychological Testing

This course is designed to help practitioners understand the role of neuropsychology in the dementia assessment, the types of testing performed, communication of exam results to the clinical care team, and alternatives to neuropsychological testing should this type of...

Motor and Visuospatial Syndromes of Dementia

11/20/2020 – 7/1/2022 Course Overview: The principal features of subcortical dementia include bradyphrenia, impairment of executive function, recall abnormalities, visuospatial disturbances, depression, and apathy. The syndrome contrasts with dementia of the...

Differential Diagnosis of Dementia

8/28/2020 – 7/1/2022 Course Overview: Alzheimer’s disease accounts for up to 80 percent of all dementia cases. Diagnosis may be complicated by other forms of dementia that have symptoms and pathologies similar to Alzheimer’s disease. Knowing the key...