Non-medical Service Providers: Dementia Friendly Clark County Needs Assessment

If you are part of the banking/financial, legal/advance planning, local city or government agency, faith-based community, library, local business, or transportation sector please complete this assessment.

Dementia Friendly Clark County Needs Assessment: Non-medical Service Providers

Non-medical service providers such as faith-based communities, local businesses, local government, legal and financial planning, and other service providers are essential in creating a dementia friendly community. This survey can be completed by anyone working or has had experience working in the sectors listed above. Instructions: Develop a list of agencies/organizations that provide non-medical support services. Prioritize and determine which organizations we should contact. Identify the appropriate contact(s) within the organizations and direct them to

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please select the non-medical field you most closely affiliate with(Required)
Have you had personal experience with a family member or loved one with dementia?(Required)
Have you had work experience with a client of a patient with dementia?(Required)
Please select up to five categories of current strengths within our community for addressing the needs of people living with dementia and their families(Required)
Please select up to five categories of current gaps within our community for addressing the needs of people living with dementia and their families.
Where do you refer community members who may show signs of dementia and their care partners?(Required)
Our community currently has adequate awareness of the resources that can help support people with dementia and their care partners.(Required)
Raising awareness of the resources that can help support people with dementia and their families should be a priority for action in our community?(Required)
Indicate your level of knowledge of the 10 warning signs of dementia.(Required)
Increasing our community members' knowledge about the warning signs of dementia should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
Our community may have diverse and underserved populations that would benefit from having resources tailored for people with dementia and their families (meaning programs or services that meet the needs of diverse populations). Our community currently has adequate dementia-related resources tailored to our diverse and underserved populations.*(Required)
Increasing dementia-related resources tailored to our diverse and underserved populations should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
This question asks about your skills for interacting with people who have dementia. (Skills for interacting with people with dementia include knowing when to repeat information or suggesting a family member should participate in conversations). Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: I have good skills for interacting with people with dementia.*(Required)
Our community has an adequate level of counseling, support groups, and services for caregivers of people living with dementia.(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Increasing our community members’ skills for interacting with people with dementia should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
Does your non-medical based service provide its employees with education and training about recognizing dementia and effective dementia friendly communication skills?(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Our non-medical based service currently ensures that its physical environment is dementia friendly.(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Making the physical environment of a non-medical based service more dementia friendly should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
For caregivers of people with dementia (an employee or customer), do you currently provide education and training about Alzheimer’s disease and care needs?(Required)
This question applies to government/city agencies. Our community has adequate disaster planning contingencies for serving people with dementia?(Required)
This question applies to government/city agencies. Improving our community's disaster planning contingencies for people with dementia should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
This question applies to government/city agencies, faith-based communities, and transportation services. Which of the following transportation options are currently available in our community for people with dementia?(Required)
This question applies to government/city agencies, faith-based communities, and transportation services. Our community provides adequate transportation options for people living with dementia.(Required)
This question applies to government/city agencies, faith-based communities, and transportation services. Increasing transportation options for people living with dementia should be a priority for people living with dementia in our community.(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Our community has an adequate level of counseling/support groups for caregivers of people with dementia.(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Increasing the level of counseling/support groups for caregivers of people with dementia should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
Do you currently offer any of the following services for caregivers of people with dementia? Are they tailored to people with dementia?(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Our community has an adequate level of respite programs or services for caregivers of people with dementia.(Required)
Indicate your level of agreement with this statement: Increasing the level of respite programs or services for caregivers of people with dementia should be a priority for action in our community.(Required)
Do you currently offer any of the following counseling/support groups for caregivers of people with dementia?(Required)
Would you be interested in helping us create a more dementia friendly community?(Required)
If you answered yes to the above question, please let us how you would like to be part of creating a dementia friendly community.
Should I be in touch with you again to let you know how the project is progressing and how you can best help ensure our community is dementia friendly?(Required)

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